It’s Time To Get A Sewer Inspection

Sewer Inspection Seattle

It’s Time To Get A Sewer Inspection

September 24, 2018

The greater Seattle area enjoys a boisterous growing season, thanks to our more temperate climate, fertile soil, and generous water sources. Great for gardens, this exuberant growth can spell trouble for underground sewer pipes. The coming weeks are the perfect time for homeowners to call a qualified plumber for a sewer inspection to protect their pipes before the weather descends into the endless rain of winter.

What Are the Risks to Sewer Pipes?

Sewer pipes are like magnets for roots in search of sources of water and nutrients, especially during drier summer conditions. Poor installation, small cracks, or worn seals offers these questing roots access to the pipe’s interior. Once roots get into the sewer pipe, they create blockages that, if left unaddressed, can result in sewage backing up into your home.

Why is Prevention the Best Option?

The worst way to discover a sewer problem is by having wastewater back up into your home. Plus, nobody wants to be without hot water or a functional toilet in the middle of winter. Therefore, prevent this messy scenario by getting your sewer pipes inspected and cleared of roots and other blockages early on!

How to Get Help

For savvy Seattle homeowners, hiring a professional is the best way to ensure sewer pipes keep sewage flowing properly away. At Best Plumbing, our expert team will conduct a complete video sewer inspection to assess the condition of your sewer pipes, identify threats, and clear out roots and clogs.

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