How to Prepare for Winter

Frozen drain pipe Seattle

Seattle is more than just damp during the winter, it can also get pretty cold out there. The last thing homeowners need is to deal with frozen or broken pipes when it starts to snow. If you want to avoid a disaster that could end in your family checking into the nearest hotel, here are…

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Eco-Friendly Plumbing Fixes

Eco friendly plumbing

Eco-friendly home features are good for the environment, good for your wallet and good for your community. So, how can you make your home’s plumbing system greener? We have a few ideas! By improving the way you manage and prevent clogs and by purchasing more environmentally-friendly plumbing fixtures, you can do your part for the…

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What To Do If You Find A Leak

Fix Pipes Seattle Best Plumbing

The last thing you want to do if you discover a leak is ignore it. Even what might appear to be a small leak can result in significant damage if water is allowed to soak underneath your walls and floors for a prolonged amount of time. Here are four steps you can take to prevent…

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